Tackling a commercial project or a home cleanout? Creole Construction Containers has you covered. If you're dealing with unwanted debris and aren’t sure how to dispose of it, just give us a call or request a free dumpster rental quote today. Keep it as long as necessary. We'll take care of both delivery and disposal. We offer a range of dumpster sizes, so be sure to check with us for current availability.
- Dumpster Rental
- 15 Yard Dumpster
- 20 Yard Dumpster
- 30 Yard Dumpster
- 40 Yard Dumpster
- Concrete Recycling Dumpsters
- Construction Dumpsters
- Household Junk Dumpsters
- Rock, Brick, Dirt Dumpsters
- Roll Off Dumpsters
- Roofing Dumpsters
- Shingle Recycling
- Temporary Dumpster Rental
- Yard Waste
Cities Served
- Abbeville
- Acadia Parish
- Acme
- Addis
- Aimwell
- Alex
- Alexandria
- Alfalfa
- Aloha
- Anandale
- Angola
- Antonia
- Archie
- Arnaudville
- Atlanta
- Avery Island
- Avoyelles Parish
- Bagdad
- Bains
- Baker
- Baldwin
- Ball
- Barron
- Basile
- Batchelor
- Baton Rouge
- Bayou Current
- Bayou Petite Prairie
- Bayou Rouge
- Beaver
- Bennetts Bay
- Bentley
- Big Island
- Blade
- Blanche
- Blanks
- Blue Lake
- Bodoc
- Bond
- Book
- Bordelonville
- Borodino
- Boyce
- Branch
- Breaux Bridge
- Breezy Hill
- Brookwood
- Brouillette
- Broussard
- Brownfields
- Brusly
- Buckeye
- Bucks Landing
- Bueche
- Bunkie
- Burns Town
- Butte Larose
- Cade
- Calcasieu
- Camp Beauregard
- Camp Claiborne
- Camp Stafford
- Campground
- Cankton
- Carencro
- Castle Village
- Castor Lane
- Castor Plunge
- Catahoula Parish
- Catahoula
- Cecilia
- Center Point
- Central
- Chambers
- Chandler Park
- Charenton
- Charles Park
- Chataignier
- Cheneyville
- Cherokee Village
- Chickama
- Chopin
- Choupique
- Church Point
- Clearwater
- Clifton
- Cloutierville
- Cocoville
- Colfax
- Commerce Park
- Cotile
- Cottonport
- Crackville
- Creola
- Crescent
- Crews
- Crowley
- Delcambre
- Derry
- Deville
- Dora Bend
- Dry Prong
- Dupont
- Duson
- East Baton Rouge Parish
- Echo
- Effie
- Egan
- Elba
- Elizabeth
- Elmer
- Elton
- Energy Center
- Eola
- Erath
- Erwinville
- Esler
- Estherwood
- Eunice
- Eva
- Evangeline Parish
- Evangeline
- Evergreen
- Fairmont
- Fellowship
- Fifth Ward
- Fishville
- Flat Creek
- Flatwoods
- Fletcher
- Fordoche
- Forest Hill
- Fort De Russy
- Fullerton
- Galbraith
- Gardere
- Gardner
- Gateway
- Georgetown
- Glencoe
- Glenmora
- Glynn
- Gooberville
- Good Pine
- Goodwood
- Gorum
- Goudeau
- Grand Coteau
- Grant Parish
- Grant
- Green Gables
- Grosse Tete
- Gueydan
- Gum Springs Road
- Hall
- Hamburg
- Hardwood
- Hargis
- Henderson
- Hessmer
- Hickory Grove
- Hickory
- Hineston
- Holloway
- Hotwells
- Hyde
- Hydropolis
- Iatt Lake
- Iberia Parish
- Iberville Parish
- Indian Creek
- Innis
- Inniswold
- Iota
- Island Road
- Jackson
- Jarreau
- Jeanerette
- Jena
- Jennings
- Jonesville
- Jordan Hill
- Jowers
- Kadesh
- Kaplan
- Kemps Landing
- Kingsville
- Kolin
- Krotz Springs
- La Salle Parish
- Labarre
- Lacamp
- Lafayette Parish
- Lafayette
- Lakeland
- Lakeside
- Lamourie
- Larto
- Latanier
- Lawtell
- Le Moyen
- Leander
- Lebeau
- Lecompte
- Lemoine Town
- Lena
- Leonville
- Lettsworth
- Libuse
- Lismore
- Little Creek
- Livingston Parish
- Livonia
- Lonepine
- Longbridge
- Longleaf
- Loreauville
- Lottie
- Loyds Bridge
- Lydia
- Magda
- Mamou
- Manifest
- Mansura Junction
- Mansura
- Marco
- Maringouin
- Marksville
- Mars Hill
- Martin Park
- Maurice
- Mayna
- McNary
- Mcneely
- Mcnutt
- Meeker
- Melder
- Melville
- Mermentau
- Merrydale
- Midland
- Midway
- Milton
- Mittie
- Moncla
- Monette Ferry
- Monterey
- Montgomery
- Mora
- Moreauville
- Moreland
- Morganza
- Morrow
- Morse
- Mount Zion
- Mudville
- Nantatchie
- Nebo
- New Belledeau
- New Era
- New Hope
- New Iberia
- New Roads
- New Salem
- New Verda Community
- New Verda
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Odenburg
- Odra
- One American Place
- Opelousas
- Oscar
- Ossun
- Otis
- Palmetto
- Paradise
- Parhams
- Parks
- Patch Leg
- Pawnee
- Pecan Acres
- Perry
- Pine Coupee
- Pine Prairie
- Pineville
- Pitkin
- Plaquemine
- Plaucheville
- Pointe Coupee Parish
- Pollock
- Port Allen
- Port Barre
- Prospect
- Quaid
- Ramah
- Rapides Parish
- Rapides
- Rayne
- Red Fish
- Reddell
- Rexmere
- Rhinehart
- Roanoke
- Rock Hill
- Rock Quarry
- Rock
- Rodoc
- Rogers
- Rosa
- Rosedale
- Rougon
- Routon
- Roxana
- Ruby
- Scotlandville
- Scott
- Searcy
- Selma
- Sharp
- Shell Point
- Sieper
- Simmesport
- Simms
- Simpson
- Slaughter
- Sorrel
- Southern University
- St Francisville
- St Landry Parish
- St Landry
- St Martin Parish
- St Martinville
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Tanglewood
- Taylor Hill
- Temple
- The Bluffs
- Three Bridges
- Timber Trails
- Timberlake
- Tioga
- Torbert
- Trinity
- Trout
- Tullos
- Tunica
- Turkey Creek
- Union Grove
- Union Hill
- Urania
- Utility
- Ventress
- Verda
- Vermilion Parish
- Vick
- Ville Platte
- Voorhies
- Wakefield
- Wallace Ridge
- Walters
- Ward
- Washington
- Weil
- West Baton Rouge Parish
- West Feliciana Parish
- Westminster
- Weyanoke
- Whatley Landing
- Wheeling
- White Sulphur Springs
- Whitehall
- Whiteville
- Wilda
- Williana
- Willow Glen
- Wilshire Park
- Woodside
- Woodworth
- Workinger Bayou Road
- Youngsville
- Zachary
- Zenoria
- Zimmer
- Zion City
- Zion