Travis Enterprises Inc offers a variety of waste disposal services, including dumpster rental and junk removal, as well as light demolition work. We provide practical, low-cost services for everyday homeowners and businesspeople. Call or request a free quote today to learn more.
- Demolition
- Dumpster Rental
- Junk Removal
- 10 Yard Dumpster
- 20 Yard Dumpster
- 30 Yard Dumpster
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Appliance Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Asphalt Parking Lot Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Basement Cleanout
- Carpet Removal
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Building Demolition
- Commercial Cleanout
- Commercial Interior Demolition
- Concrete Driveway Removal
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Cities Served
West Virginia
- Abraham
- Accoville
- Ada
- Alderson
- Algoma
- Allen Junction
- Alloy
- Alta
- Alum Creek
- Ameagle
- Amelia
- Amherstdale
- Amherstdale-Robinette
- Amigo
- Amma
- Anawalt
- Ansted
- Arnett
- Artie
- Asbury
- Asco
- Ashford
- Ashland
- Athens
- Avondale
- Bald Knob
- Ballard
- Ballengee
- Bandytown
- Barrett
- Bartley
- Beards Fork
- Beaver
- Beckley
- Beckwith
- Beeson
- Bellburn
- Belle
- Bellwood
- Belva
- Bentree
- Bickmore
- Big Chimney
- Big Otter
- Big Sandy
- Bim
- Bingham
- Blair
- Bloomingrose
- Blount
- Blue Creek
- Blue Jay
- Bluefield
- Bluewell
- Bob White
- Bolt
- Bomont
- Boomer
- Boone County
- Bozoo
- Bradley
- Bramwell
- Brenton
- Brooks
- Brownsville
- Bruno
- Brush Fork
- Bud
- Burnwell
- Cabin Creek
- Calvin
- Camp Creek
- Cannelton
- Canvas
- Capels
- Carbon
- Cedar Grove
- Ceres
- Charleston
- Charlton Heights
- Charmco
- Chelyan
- Chesapeake
- Clay County
- Clay
- Clear Creek
- Clear Fork
- Clendenin
- Clifftop
- Clintonville
- Clio
- Coal City
- Coal Fork
- Coal Mountain
- Coaldale
- Coalwood
- Colcord
- Comfort
- Cool Ridge
- Corinne
- Corliss
- Corton
- Costa
- Covel
- Crab Orchard
- Crany
- Crawley
- Crichton
- Cross Lanes
- Crown Hill
- Crown
- Crumpler
- Cucumber
- Cunard
- Cyclone
- Danese
- Daniels
- Danville
- Davin
- Davy
- Dawes
- Dawson
- Decota
- Deep Water
- Dehue
- Diamond
- Dille
- Dixie
- Dorothy
- Dothan
- Dott
- Drennen
- Dry Creek
- Drybranch
- Duhring
- Dunbar
- Duo
- Dupont City
- Earling
- East Bank
- East Beckley
- East Gulf
- Eccles
- Eckman
- Edmond
- Elbert
- Elgood
- Elkhorn
- Elkview
- Elton
- Emmett
- Eskdale
- Ethel
- Fairdale
- Falling Rock
- Falls View
- Fanrock
- Fayette County
- Fayetteville
- Fenwick
- Filbert
- Flat Top
- Fola
- Forest Hill
- Foster
- Frame
- Freeman
- Gallagher
- Garland
- Garrison
- Gary
- Gatewood
- Gauley Bridge
- Ghent
- Giatto
- Gilbert
- Gilboa
- Glade Springs
- Glasgow
- Glen Daniel
- Glen Ferris
- Glen Fork
- Glen Jean
- Glen Morgan
- Glen Rogers
- Glen White
- Glen
- Gordon
- Grassy Meadows
- Green Sulphur Springs
- Green Valley
- Greenview
- Greenville
- Handley
- Hanover
- Hansford
- Harper
- Harvey
- Hatcher
- Havaco
- Helen
- Hemphill
- Hensley
- Herndon
- Hernshaw
- Hewett
- Hiawatha
- Hico
- Hilltop
- Hilton Village
- Hines
- Hinton
- Hugheston
- Hunt
- Iaeger
- Ikes Fork
- Indian Mills
- Indore
- Itmann
- Ivydale
- Jefferson
- Jeffrey
- Jenkinjones
- Jesse
- Jodie
- Jonben
- Josephine
- Julian
- Jumping Branch
- Justice
- Kanawha City
- Kanawha County
- Kanawha Falls
- Kayford
- Kegley
- Kellysville
- Keslers Cross Lanes
- Kessler
- Keystone
- Kieffer
- Kilsyth
- Kimball
- Kimberly
- Kincaid
- Kingston
- Kistler
- Kopperston
- Kyle
- Lake
- Lanark
- Landville
- Lansing
- Lashmeet
- Lawton
- Layland
- Leckie
- Leewood
- Leivasy
- Lerona
- Leslie
- Lester
- Lilly Park
- Lillydale
- Littlesburg
- Livingston
- Lizemores
- Lochgelly
- Lockbridge
- Logan County
- London
- Longacre
- Lookout
- Lorado
- Lorton Lick
- Lovern
- Lundale
- Lyburn
- Lynco
- Maben
- Mabscott
- Mac Arthur
- MacArthur
- Madison
- Mahan
- Maitland
- Malden
- Mallory
- Mammoth
- Man
- Maplewood
- Marfrance
- Marmet
- Matheny
- Matoaka
- Maybeury
- Maysel
- Mc Comas
- Mc Connell
- Mc Dowell
- Mc Graws
- Mcalpin
- McDowell County
- Mead
- Meadow Bluff
- Meadow Bridge
- Meadow Creek
- Mercer County
- Miami
- Midway
- Minden
- Montcalm
- Montcoal
- Montgomery
- Mount Carbon
- Mount Hope
- Mount Lookout
- Mount Nebo
- Mullens
- Nallen
- Naoma
- Neibert
- Nellis
- Nemours
- Nettie
- New Richmond
- Newhall
- Nicholas County
- Nimitz
- North Spring
- Northfork
- Oak Hill
- Oakvale
- Oceana
- Odd
- Ohley
- Orgas
- Orient Hill
- Ottawa
- Ovapa
- Packsville
- Page
- Pageton
- Pax
- Paynesville
- Peach Creek
- Pemberton
- Pence Springs
- Peterstown
- Pettus
- Peytona
- Pierpont
- Pigeon
- Pinch
- Pineville
- Piney View
- Pipestem
- Poe
- Pond Gap
- Pool
- Powellton
- Powhatan
- Pratt
- Premier
- Prenter
- Prince
- Princeton
- Princewick
- Procious
- Prosperity
- Quick
- Quincy
- Quinwood
- Racine
- Rainelle
- Raleigh County
- Raleigh
- Ramage
- Ramsey
- Rand
- Ravencliff
- Redstar
- Rhodell
- Ridgeview
- Robinette
- Robson
- Rock Creek
- Rock View
- Rock
- Roderfield
- Rollins Branch
- Runa
- Rupert
- Russelville
- S Charleston
- Sabine
- Sam Black
- Sandlick
- Sandstone
- Saulsville
- Saxon
- Scarbro
- Seth
- Shady Spring
- Sharples
- Shrewsbury
- Simon
- Sissonville
- Skelton
- Skygusty
- Slab Fork
- Smithers
- Smoot
- Sophia
- South Charleston
- Spanishburg
- Sprague
- Spring Dale
- Spring Hill
- Squire
- Stanaford
- Standard
- Steeles
- Stephenson
- Stickney
- Stollings
- Streeter
- Summerlee
- Summers County
- Summersville
- Sundial
- Superior
- Surveyor
- Swiss
- Switchback
- Sylvester
- Tad
- Talcott
- Tams
- Taplin
- Terry
- Thorpe
- Thurmond
- Toneyfork
- Tourison
- Turtle Creek
- Twilight
- Twin Branch
- Uneeda
- Valley Fork
- Van
- Verner
- Victor
- Vivian
- Wallback
- Wayside
- Welch
- Wharton
- Whitby
- White Oak
- Whitesville
- Whittaker
- Widen
- Wilcoe
- Williams Mountain
- Winding Gulf
- Winifrede
- Winona
- Witcher
- Wolf Pen
- Wolfcreek
- Wolfe
- Worth
- Wriston
- Wyco
- Wyoming County
- Wyoming
- Yolyn
- Bastian
- Bluefield
- Boissevain
- Clearfork
- Cove Creek
- Falls Mills
- Glen Lyn
- Grapefield
- Hicksville
- Horsepen
- Narrows
- Pocahontas
- Rich Creek
- Rocky Gap
- Springville
- Yards