31587, 31852, 31851, 31464, 20836

Hinkins Disposal LLC

Wadley, GA

Hinkins Disposal LLC was created with a focus in providing quality dumpster rental and junk removal services throughout Wadley, GA. We continue to build our... more


Augusta Junk Removal

Augusta, GA

Augusta Junk Removal is a family-owned and operated junk hauling company in Augusta, Georgia. Our company vision as an Augusta-based waste management service is to... more


Junk Empire

Harlem, GA

Junk Empire is a small, family owned and operated dumpster rental and junk removal company that proudly serves the Central Savannah River area. We offer... more



Harlem, GA

Savannah River Roll Off is family owned and operated, proudly serving our community since 2016. We are committed to meeting all of our customers' waste removal... more


R & R Dumpster & Roll-Off Service, Inc.

Grovetown, GA

R & R Dumpster & Roll-Off Service, Inc. is a locally-owned and operated dumpster rental company that offers both trailer and roll-off dumpsters in 10, 20, and 27 yard sizes.... more


10 Yard Dumpster Tips for Warrenton, GA

How can I estimate the volume of junk or debris I have?

It’s difficult to estimate the amount of junk or debris you’ll have for a particular project, such as a roofing job or household cleanout. Your best source of information, in this case, is your dumpster rental company. They have experience in dealing with a wide variety and quantities of waste and debris. They can help you choose the ideal container size with relatively precise accuracy. If you choose to estimate the amount of debris yourself, you can measure it and convert it to cubic yards. One cubic yard is equal to a 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 ft pile of debris. That’s about the volume of a standard kitchen stove. Estimating the weight of a load is extremely difficult, and so it’s best to consult your dumpster provider to determine if your load is likely under the weight allowance for a particular container size.

How long are typical dumpster rental periods?

One week is a standard rental period, although it’s not uncommon to find some dumpster rental companies offering 14-day rentals included in the price. Some may even charge a daily fee for rental, which could end up being a better deal in cases where you only need the container on-site for a day or two. If you need a dumpster for longer than the rental period, you can request it for longer and pay a “late fee” of about $10-$20 per day (costs vary). Many rental companies cap the maximum length of the rental due to inventory issues. To have a debris box picked up prior to the end of the rental period, simply call the company and request a pick-up.

What are the different types of dumpsters?

  • Commercial dumpsters – Used for weekly/monthly trash hauling services at businesses. Not for temporary use.
  • Roll-off containers – Dumpsters you rent for temporary use at home, construction sites or commercial cleanups.
  • Trailer dumpsters – An alternative to roll-off dumpsters used by some rental providers. It offers the advantage of being on wheels, which decreases the risk of damage to your driveway.
  • Bag-style containers – “Bagster” and similar type of compact containers ranging from 1 cubic yard to 3 cubic yards, generally.
  • 'Lowboy' dumpsters – Roll-off dumpsters with low sides, ideal for loading heavy materials, such as dirt, concrete or masonry.